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St David’s Day fund

St David’s Day fund

The St David’s Day fund is money that you can ask for to help with your health and wellbeing, development and independence.

It isn’t instead of other money you can get, it is extra support and does not have be paid back.

What can you use the money for?

You can use it for things like equipment to help you learn, taking part in activities or enjoying a hobby, or furniture for your home.

Who can get the money?

There are some rules about who the local authority can give the money to but it includes young people in lots of different situations, like:

  • young people looked after aged 16 or 17
  • care leavers under 18
  • care leavers aged 18 or over
  • young people who have left care but get back in touch with the local authority because they want to go back to education or training
  • young people who left care under a Special Guardianship Order
  • young people aged between 21-24 who are not in education or training but need help with money to live on their own

Make sure you ask

Ask your social worker or personal advisor for information about how the St David’s Day fund works in your Local Authority and whether in your situation you can apply.

Don’t miss out by not asking!

Things to ask

Ask your social worker or personal advisor what you can apply for, if they can give you examples of how others have used it and whether there is anything you cannot use it for. 

You might also want to ask if they have any written information about it that you can take away to read, or if they can send you a link to online information.