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Aged 16 -18

Aged 16 -18

Pathway Plan

From the age of 16 you can have a Pathway Plan.

It will talk about what support you need to help you be more independent as you move closer to becoming an adult. This will carry on from your Care Plan.

Your Pathway Plan needs to think about:

  • your health and development (including mental health)
  • what you want in terms of education, training and employment
  • contact with family and friends
  • managing your money.

Your views must be put into the plan and a copy of the plan must be given to you.

Your local authority needs to regularly talk to you about your Pathway Plan to make sure it meets your needs.

When I’m Ready

Your local authority must ask you if you want to stay with your foster carer until you are 21, under the ‘When I’m ready’ arrangement

Information about money

They should give you information about any money you can have or can ask for, this includes money from the St David’s Day fund

Personal advisor

You should be given a personal advisor – this is someone to help you through the whole process who is not your social worker

Your home

They need to make sure you have somewhere suitable to live and enough money to live on


You can have an independent advocate to support you to make any decisions.

Learn more about what an advocate is.

Statutory Review Meeting

Before any move can take place, there must be a meeting (called a Statutory Review Meeting) led by the IRO, to talk about whether you are ready to move.

You should not be made to feel that they should ‘leave care’ before you are ready.

Going back into care

If you have moved back with your birth family and this arrangement breaks down before your 18th birthday, you can go back into care if you want to.